Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tucker Blair Preppy Headband Giveaway

Seriously I must be crazy for giveaways!

But honestly, I couldn't resist this one!

The super sweet Taylor over at Tucker Blair has so graciously offered my readers the opportunity to win one very preppy, tres chic, needlepoint headband!

All you have to do to win a Tucker Blair headband is:
  1. Visit the TB website, look around and come back to leave me a comment telling me your favorite TB headband. (All entries that don't tell me this will be eliminated!)
  2. For another entry, add me as a follower (don't forget to let me know if you are already one or if you signed up to be one in your comment).
  3. For three entries, blog about the giveaway or post a link on your blog sidebar.
  4. Please leave only one comment telling me how many entries you are eligible for!
Be sure to also check out TB's blog here. I for one, can not wait for these!

And if you are on Twitter, you can also find Tucker Blair there! Follow her for updates :)

All entries must be received by Monday March 30th at 8 pm PST.

I'll announce the winner shortly after the deadline.

On another note, tomorrow is the first giveaway in my month long birthday bonanza! Hint - it involves Lilly!


Deals, Steals and Heels said...

ooh, i love the pink polka dots!! and i'm already a follower =)

Diamonds, Pearls and A ' Southern' Girl said...

I love Tucker Blair!! My favorite is the yellow and white polka dot. Im a follower already.

Katrina said...

I like the green polka dot headband. Green is my favorite color!
I am also already a follower! =)

BLC :o said...

Oh la la! Many thanks to you and Tucker Blair. My favorite is the pink and white polka dot. Xoxo-BLC

Ashley said...

Oh I love all of the things on this website! This was actually my first time on the Tucker Blair website! Everything is adorable! I love the pink polka dot headband! Pink is my favorite color so, I knew right away!

Ashley said...

And I am a recent follower of yours as well! :)

KR said...

my favorite is the lobster needle point! too cute... and hunger inducing, i must add! i'm a follower!

A Southern Magnolia said...

Out of all the choices, I give the green and white polka dot needlepoint headband two thumbs up!

I am a follower, so one entry for more please.

Suburban prep said...

I love the green and white polka dot headband.
They are actually all great patterns.

I am a google reader follower.

Jane said...

i love love love the pink polka dot headband! i am also a follower!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I'm totally a follower. I heart TB and love the lobsters and crabs and green polka dots. I don't know if I can pick one fav- but if I have to its the green dots. Or crabs.

Jules said...

Love this giveaway and love headbands! I went to the Tucker Blair website and I love the Pink Polka Dot Needlepoint Headband. I am already a follower and I have posted this giveaway on my sidebar.

Ginny said...

My favorite is the green polka dot headband! I have wanted it forever, so I've got my fingers crossed! I am a follower and also linked to this in my sidebar :)

Sweet, Sassy, Southern and Classy said...

What a great giveaway! I like the pink polka dot headband best. I posted this on my blog and am a follower. Thanks :)

Mom on the Run said...

I love the lobster one. It would go great with the flip flops :) I am becoming a follower. Great giveaway!

Meg said...

i love tucker blair! definitely count me in! my favorite is the lobster one, perfect for summer! i'm a new follower and i'll be posting about this on my sidebar

Heather said...

Love the yellow polka dot and I follow!


Shea said...

Love the green polka dot headband!! And of course I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the yellow polka dot!! I just bought a fab new yellow rain trench, and this would look great with it!!!

kp said...

Hi there,
I am a new follower, posting on my blog and my favorite is the pink polka dot headband. Great giveaway!! :) kristin pearce

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Too Cute! I would love to enter. I would choose the Green with White polka dots.
I am now following your blog.
Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I ♥ all the polka dotted ones! Pink, Yellow and Green are all competing favorite colors, so I ♥ them all! I'm also a follower. :)

Anonymous said...

I <3 the website! I think my favorite is the yellow one, but honestly, they're all so stinkin' adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm a follower! :)

Nicole-Lynn said...

Oh how adorable. I love the Green Polka Dot headband, and I'm already a follower! Love your blog :)

Dollface said...

I am already a follower. I love the green and orange headband. Super adorable and preppy! xoxo

One Bite At A Time said...

I love the Green Polka Dot Needlepoint Headband!!! I am a follower and I have posted a link to you from my blog!

Tera Kay said...

I LOVE TUCKER BLAIR! what a cute give away idea!

my favorite is by far the yellow crab one (maryland pride!)
and i am a follower!

Have a lovely day!

Tera Kay said...

I LOVE TUCKER BLAIR! what a cute give away idea!

my favorite is by far the yellow crab one (maryland pride!)
and i am a follower!

Have a lovely day!

Preppy Girl Meets World said...

I love the pink polka dots one the best! I'm a follower and this is on my sidebar and I'm adding your button to my blog!

Erin said...

Green polka dots for me! Love that headband!

And you know I am a follower who has your button and puts up sidebar links!


MaierHousehold said...

The pink polka dot one is my fav!'re listed on my blog roll!!!

Thanks for doing this!

A.D. said...

Shut the front door...I love these headbands! I didn't know you could needlepoint headbands. What a great idea! I love the green/white polka dot, but the striped one is super cute too.
I am a follower, and I put a button and link on my sidebar!!!

Juls said...

I am in love with these headbands!! I love love love the blue and orange. I have the perfect shirt it would match. I am also a follower!


Ashley Turner said...

Count me in! My favorite hands down is the pink and white polka dot one! We are doing most of our wedding in pink and white pd's and I'm in love with this headband! And I'm a follower!

Sassy Engineer said...

What a hard decision! I like the green polka dot and the pink polka dot - really they are all cute :) I would love to be entered and I'm a follower!

Also, I love the new blog look!

Candace said...

I love the pink polka dots headband! Im a follower an you will have the side bar in my blog!

Steph said...

I just found your blog from someone else's that posted about your giveaway! So cute!
I love headbands and the green with the polka dots is one I have been coveting!

Niki said...

Yay! Great giveaway!! I love the pink polka dot headband and am already a follower:)

Steph said...

Ooops, I forgot to add, I just became a follower!

Torch Lake Prep said...

Definitely the green polka dot for me. Love headbands and really need them know as I'm growing out bangs ! UGH! A new follower and also will post on my blog! That's 3 entries for me.

Anonymous said...

The pink polka dot one is gorgeous!! Put me down for 3 entries, as I'm already a follower and will post this in my sidebar. *fingers crossed*

AEOT said...

I would probably pick the pink or the green polkadots, but all of them are SO cute!! I've been lusting over these headbands for awhile now. I blogged about them over on my site!!

LovesPINKandPEARLS said...

the green polka dot for sure!

im already a follower and posted about this giveaway in my sidebar! and i have your button :)

ACH said...

I love the green polka-dot one...but I'm moving to Baltimore soon, so part of me *really* wants the crab one!!

I'm a follower, and I put a cute link your giveaway on my sidebar! That's three entries, please!

Paula said...

They're all really cute, but I like the yellow polka dot one best. I'm already a follower :)

Pink Bliss said...

My fav headband is pink/white polka dot.. I am a follower, have your blog button and posted about your giveaway extravaganza!!

Elisabeth said...

i NEED the green dots one. it's just beautiful!! and i'm about to become a follower. =)

the rigdons said...

i love the yellow with the crabs- so cute!! and i'm a follower!

Tati Soukup said...

My favorite headband is teh Pink Polka Dot. And I have just signed up to be a follower.

The Cape House said...

How fabulous! I've been wanting the lobsters on a blue background for awhile now. Also just became a follower. Thanks!

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

Hi! I'm a follower, and I'm loving these headbands! My favorite is the pink polka dot followed by the yellow crab - it just SCREAMS summer don't you think?

BroncoMom said...

Hey Sweet Tea!
You have a very cute blog, so I decided to become a follower. Truing to pick out my favorite headband was a difficult one. The polka dots are always a go too choice for me but my favorite by far has to be the crab headband. So cute and perfect for the summer.

Unknown said...

Oh I adore the green polka dot headband -- love it! :-)

Kate said...

I love the pink and white headband!

I am also a follower and will post on my blog :)

capperson said...

I love the yellow polka dot headband!!
I am also a follower!

Gracie Beth said...

my favorite is the pink headband with the white polka dots

Suzanne said...

Just found your cute blog and awesome giveaway!

I love the green polka dot headband and I just became a follower:)

Always Organizing said...

My favorite is the green polka dot headband! (I posted about your giveaway on my blog too!)

Anonymous said...

I heart the green polka dot headband!! I'm a follower. Thanks again for the amazing giveaways.

Lola Cupcake said...

I definitely LOVE the crab headband- so perfect for Seattle summers.

tracysuzanne said...

i'm obsessed with lobsters so thats my favorite! i follow and have your button on my blog!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

I love the lobster headband! I also love your blog. I found it the other day and you are great!! I am also a follower.

The Harmon's said...

I love the yellow polk a dot one.


Legal Preppy said...

oh i just adore the crabs! they are so cute and fun for the summer. im adding a link to my blog sidebar!

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

Hi. Just found you through Nautical by Nature. Your blog is darling and I signed up to follow! I like the lobster and the pink polka dot but think I would go with the lobster because it is a conversation piece and fun. Great idea! Thanks for including me in the give-away! :)

Danielle said...

Love the headbands. I love the crab one but the pink polka dot one would be more practical for me. Thanks for the giveaway!

Precious and Pink said...

I love the green polka dot! I am trying to subscribe as a follower but I am not sure if it is a successful add on yet?

Lisa said...

I love the green polka dot headband!
And I am already a follower of your blog!


Pink Peonies & Pearls said...

I love the yellow headband with the white polka dots. It would look great with a Lilly skirt I purchased a couple of weeks ago! I'm a follower too!

Katy said...

The majority of my closet is pink and the rest of it has polk a dots. So I'm going to have to choose the pink polk a dot one to match all my clothes :-)

I'm following and I'm posting in my sidebar. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the green polka dot! I am now a follower!

Miss Lemonade said...

I love the pink and polka dot headband, most of my clothes are pink, so I have to go with that one!

I'm now a follower

And I'm just about to blog about it! :)

YZgirl4 said...

I like the pink polka dots best, the green is okay, but the pink is better.

I also follow your blog

2 entries please...thanks!

Shaina said...

I LOVE the yellow polka dots! So adorable! I am already a follower and love your blog.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Meghan said...

I love the lobster headband. I obsessed with all things lobster related...except strangely enough, I won't eat them!

Thanks for this great chance at a giveaway!

M said...

I am a follower I love the yellow polka dot and I have blogged about your giveaway.

Much love,


minishoes said...

I like the pink polka dot. I really need one of these! I am a new follower.

The other giveaway,martini glasses and coasters, I forgot to put everything in 1 entry. sorry

Natty said...

Thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway!
All of the headbands are beautiful but I'm gonna have to go with the Green Polka Dot one, so cute!
I'm a follower too :)

Southern, Short, and Sweet said...

I just found your blog through LilMisMichelle, but I really ylike it! I love the Lobster headband! Tucker Blair stuff is so cute. I just became a follower! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!