It's catch-up time!
1. I realize I left many of you hanging after last week's post about the premiere of Bravo's new show, Pregnant in Heels. I was very excited to watch the show and for me, it lived up to my expectations. I watched the second episode last night, and there is just something so lovely about Rosie and the way she handles her demanding clients. Yes, most of them are crazy (and really, that's being kind), but Rosie is so patient yet firm with them, without babying them. I really like her no-nonsense approach. I'm sure there are many views on the show so I'd love to know what you think if you watched/are watching! Oh, and exciting - you can follow Rosie on Twitter! I've heard a lot of people say how annoying her accent is, but I like it. You can also check out her blog here.
2. I chopped off my hair last week, and I am loving it. I took the below picture to my hairstylist, and she did a great job. My hair is a little bit longer than the picture, but I have the blunt ends which I absolutely love. Styling is quick and easy too.

3. My birthday is in less than two weeks. I honestly haven't even had time to think about what I want to do. I'm assuming that since I'll be busy working and C will have just returned from Chicago, we will not have the time or energy to do much. Maybe just a nice dinner out. Last year, I had quite the birthday extravaganza so this year it only makes sense to keep it low key.
4. Oh, speaking of C, he has been gone for almost a month! He returns this weekend and I'm really excited for him to be back. It's just not the same without him. No one is there to laugh at my corny jokes during tv and more importantly, no one is here to take out the trash. I have to do it myself. Can you believe it?! :)
4. Oh, speaking of C, he has been gone for almost a month! He returns this weekend and I'm really excited for him to be back. It's just not the same without him. No one is there to laugh at my corny jokes during tv and more importantly, no one is here to take out the trash. I have to do it myself. Can you believe it?! :)

san francisco, 2011
5. Here's where the giveaway comes in. Since my birthday is coming up, I wanted to do something to celebrate with all of my readers!
What will you win??
The prize is a surprise for now, but I promise you will enjoy it! If you like fashion and accessories, and want to be ready for spring, then you will definitely be happy with this prize package!
How do you enter??
Leave a comment on today's post and any future posts until April 30. You will earn one entry per comment.
Since I knew I would be doing a giveaway this month, any comments already left on previous April posts - here and here - will also count as an entry. I've already marked these up in my spreadsheet so future comments on those posts do not count.
When will the winner be announced and the prize be revealed??
Come back on MONDAY, MAY 2 to find out if you are the lucky winner.
When is your birthday again? Can you please email it to me so I can send you a card? Love that picture of the two of you!
I want to see your haircut!!
You know I love a giveaway and birthdays!!! My birthday is May 12! HOORAY!!
Oh! A happy early birthday greeting...and you'll have to post a photo of you and C celebrating on your birthday, so we can also see your new haircut :o)
I came back by to let you know that I got my "ABCs of me" post finished, so pop on over if you'd like :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
That haircut is adorable!! You should post a picture!
Happy Early Birthday !!!!!!! Oh & I love J. Simps her hair is always so pretty. I am getting mine cut tomorrow eek! trying something new too!
I used that same picture as a example for a haircut. I loved it too. Yeah for Birthday's it's almost mine too. Mine is May 3.
Oh, I love that haircut! Can we see a picture of YOUR hair, now?? :)
Yes, please show us a picture of the new hairdo! I have a birthday this month, too, so Happy Birthday!
Happy Early Birthday!!!
I want to see a pic of you with the haircut! I absolutely love that haircut..Can't wait to see how it looks on you!!
Yay for April Birthdays!! Mine was yesterday :)
What a great way to build up to your birthday.
A nice way to celebrate.
This "surprise" giveaway is a cool idea! I love that haircut! You should post a picture so we can see the cut on you!
Your haircut looks great (I hope you post photos soon) - love that picture on the cable car in SF, adorable! And happy early birthday :)
I almost brought that picture in when I was getting my hair done! LOVE that cut!
Ummm…I think before and after pics are a must!
Ms. Sweet Tea,
Where are the before and after pictures on the new do? Hmmm.
Please let us know more about the bday giveaway. I am excited, thanks.
happy early birthday!!
Love that haircut! Might take that picture in when I get my hair cut next week!
Your hair looks sooo darling! I love it!
happy early birthday!! oooh, I love the hair. :)
Happy, Happy Birthday!! Love Jessica's hair in the photo. I just might have to take that photo in next time I get my haircut.
Love that cut! I'm sure it looks amazing! :)
oh happy birthday and i would love to be entered in your birthday giveaway!
too funny!! i took that exact same picture to my hair dresser a few years ago! sadly, my hair lacked the body to fully pull it off!
I absolutely love that hairstyle! I think I might take that into my stylist as well. Oh, and happy early birthday!
Thanks for doing a birthday giveaway! Post pics of your new hairstyle!
jessica simpson's lips look rather inflated in that pic above!
love her hair though!
I LOVE Pregnant in Heels - it's quickly becoming one of my fave shows!
That haircut makes you look just like Jessica Simpson!
sorry. it's a lame comment, but it's all I have.
hi love! I'm so behind due to my travels, but catching up. I missed Pregnant in Heels, but have it set to record moving forward :) CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE HAIR!! It sounds adorable, and you have such gorgeous locks I know it looks amazing.
Advance happy birthday! :)
katch05 at gmail dot com
Happy early birthday! Post a picture of your hair!! :)
LOVE that hairstyle!!
Mine isnt quite long enough to do it :(
Happy birthday month!!
I bet that hairstyle is sooo cute on you, cant wait to see it!
And what a fun way to celebrate your birthday, and I hope its one of the best ones yet!
Pregnant in Heels is such a good show and I really like Rosie too. Her accent doesn’t bother me either. Some of the women on the show are ridiculous, but at the end of the episode everything seems to work out and have me liking them a little more.
I can’t wait to see the new hair. That’s a great style and I’m sure it looks really nice on you.
A low key birthday can be very nice and I’m sure you’ll be very happy to have C back. I know I get a little nuts when Geof travels for work and sometimes he’s only gone for a few days.
Yay for birthdays!
Happy early B-Day! Mine was Sunday :)
Happy Birthday Month!!! :) Can't wait to see pics of the new hairdo!
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