Pregnant in Heels is a docu-drama that follows maternity concierge, fashion designer, and pregnancy guru Rosie Pope as she guides expecting mothers through the joys and perils of preparing to have a baby. Rosie owns a high fashion maternity clothing boutique on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and runs MomPrep, the premier training academy for mothers-to-be. With the help of her assistants, Hannah and LT, Rosie runs the store, designs the clothing and takes on clients on a case-by-case basis to help them with all their bizarre baby needs.
Each week, viewers will join Rosie and her team as they tackle two new clients and their pregnancy dilemmas. From shotgun wedding planning and rock n’roll nursery makeovers, to daddy boot camps and even getting the baby into British aristocracy, Rosie Pope is the maternity concierge to the most affluent –- and hormonal -– expectant mothers in the city.

Funny, I haven't even heard of this! I tell ya, if it's not Day of our Lives or the news, I can't keep up:)
I hope your week is going great-
I will definitely be watching this!
I watched this last night. Maybe it was a sneak peek episode, but let me tell you... SUCH a train wreck but I certainly cannot look away.
I'm looking forward to this! I loved her on Bethennys show!
not gonna lie, am totally looking forward to this!
Wow......sounds sorta interesting...but I get irritated at shows like this. People with crazy amounts of money who could be spending it in better ways. Be real and learn how to be a mom like the rest of us do!!
Totally want to watch this. Thanks for the reminder! interest is peeked. I may have to check this out and see if it's worth adding into my weekly rotation. :)
PS That sounded sad. LOL
Recording it. I'll give it a chance. Looks pretty funny and I've met my fair share of CRAZY moms!
i will give it a chance!lol.
i am hosting a rad giveaway, a BIKINI by an up'n coming desginer from Mexico! super easy & right on time for spring/summer! ^.^ xo
Whoa...they think of everything in the name of reality tv...sounds like bridezillas except preggo mommies!
Just added it to my tivo!!
I didn't watch last night but I am sure it will rerun a million times. I'm with you - love me some reality TV. Not sure why I am so addicted!
I was really excited to watch it, but honestly didn't really enjoy it. It just seemed to be a little boring. And for whatever reason Rosie's accent just seemed to really bother me. It's a little sad, since I had such high hopes for the show.
im jazzed :)
If I had cable, I'd definitely watch it.
i've seen previews and have wanted to watch but have been so busy lately! i might have to have a date with hulu soon!
I watched and thought of you!
OH goodness...I have many HGTV and Food Network (Cupcake wars, cake challenges, Chopped, etc..)favorites...and love to watch the shows like Secret Millionaire and Undercover Boss...and also liek to watch Hawaii 5-O, The Event, Blue Blood, Chuck...that I better not start that one!
Blessings & Aloha!
...behind again in my thank yous! Thank you for your visit! And I am working on doing the "ABCs of me" post to put up tonight...I have you linked back, since I saw that on yours and another blog.
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