Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my last post, I promise I won't leave you hanging and I will post a picture of my hair soon :)

I have been debating reading Water for Elephants for some time now. I've been apprehensive about reading the book because I don't want to read about the mistreatment of the circus animals. I read this excerpt from a review, and it makes my stomach churn:
Gruen, whose first novel was "Riding Lessons," turns horses and other creatures into sympathetic characters. According to an author's note, she studied elephant body language and behavior with a former handler at the Kansas City Zoo. The research pays off. August's mistreatment of Marlena pales beside the visceral wallop of his nonchalant cruelty toward Rosie: "I look up just as he flicks the cigarette. It arcs through the air and lands in Rosie's open mouth, sizzling as it hits her tongue. She roars, panicked, throwing her head and fishing inside her mouth with her trunk. August marches off. I turn back to Rosie. She stares at me, a look of unspeakable sadness on her face. Her amber eyes are filled with tears."
For those of you that have a hard time reading stuff like this, does this occur A LOT or does the story of Jacob and Marlena takes center stage? I know that there has to be some mistreatment (of humans and animals) because it wouldn't be accurate otherwise.
I did decide to download the book for my Nook, and right now, I've made it to the middle of chapter 2 and I'm really hoping that I can enjoy the book and watch the movie because the previews look fantastic. Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, and Robert Pattinson are all wonderful actors.
I'd really love to hear your thoughts on Water for Elephants if you have read it.
Also, just a reminder that any comment on my blog until April 30
will count as an entry in my surprise birthday giveaway.
Hi girl!
MAN...I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book! I hated the parts that you talked about...but really everything else takes center stage and in the end it all works out. READ IT!! Without a doubt one of the best books I have read in a very long time!
read it! it's really not too bad... totally worth it.
Obsessed with the book! Read it twice. Love love love!
I didn't like it :( but I swear, I must be, like, the only one!
I haven't read any of the book but the previews of the movie looks good. I have thought about reading the book though.
I loved the book. I cried several times and I honestly think talking about the animals is the only way to get across how mean people really can be. If that makes any sense. I think you should definitely read it.
My book club read this last month. It is a fantastic novel! The animal (and human) mistreatment is unspeakable, but not the focus of the story. There were parts I definitely struggled with reading, but the rest of the book is worth the read. Now I can't wait for the movie!
Loved the book and like you had a hard time reading and getting into it is hard to handle at times but I think you'll be surprised. I can't wait for the movie.
I really loved this book! It was a fantastic read and I hated reading the few parts like the one you specified and I put off reading the book because I really don't like circus' in the first place due to the animal cruelty. But it does not take the front seat in this book and it would be a shame for you to not read it! Enjoy!
I JUST finished it.
I agree. It IS hard to read of the abuse. I hate to say that that particular section wasn't the worst part.
That said, don't let it keep you from reading the book. I won't tell what happens, but good triumphs over evil.
been debating the same thing. let me know what you decide.
I want to read it too! I heard it was good.... My aunt has it on her nook.. may have to borrow before the movie comes out :)
I just finished reading it! It was such a good novel though. I couldn't put it down!
LOVED, LOVED, loved the book! I couldn't put it down and finished it in 1 weekend (that's huge for me)! Its so worth reading that you will just have to skim past the sad parts. I can't exactly tell you why I loved it so much - but it moved me. The characters are so rich and colorful and you will miss out if you skip it!
I'm probably in the minority, but I'll tell you my thoughts, anyways. :) I read the book, and it was a good read. It wasn't my favorite, and I won't read it again. I didn't like reading about the animal (or human) cruelty. I know it happens - that doesn't mean I want to read about it. So, while the book was good, it wasn't as good as I was expecting, based on everyone's reviews (bloggers and readers, alike). :) Hope this helps, and Happy Almost Birthday! :)
Like you, I am not able to handle mistreatment of humans and animals. So as good as the book may be, I am going to pass on it and the movie.
I must say that I love this book. I think I read it in 48 hours...I just couldn't put it down! The mistreatment of animals is going to be hard to watch in the movie but I just can't pass up this great book turned movie!
I didn't really like the book. I'm not sure what my hang up was. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie though. I thought her book Ape House was so much better!
I Don't like reading anything that has to do with animals being mistreated either. ( I'm an animal lover too.) That said, this book was really good. There was good character development and it's a pretty short read. I think it's written in a style that's perfect for a screenplay (can't wait too see Reece in action.)
I haven't been to the circus since my now 10 year old was 2 and I'll never go again. EVER. The circus, in my opinion, just doesn't work. Keeping animals caged until it's their time to work for us is no life for them.
That being said.....I was apprehensive about this book. I did read it, though, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The tough times are a bit difficult to get through, but there is plenty of happiness, too.
Absolutely Recommend.
ps - I am a huge reader.......would love to discuss books! I have a tab at the top of my blog with what I read last year (goal of 30 qty and surpassed it) and what I'm reading this year (no goal). I'm a book junkie!
pss - I totally see Ryan Gosling as the main character, rather than R Patz. Still looks good.
This is an amazing book and totally worth the read! Yes, there are some parts like you mentioned but the story is wonderful and there is not a strong focus on that aspect of the stroyline. I am very excited about the movie as I have been waiting for months since I finished the book!
I read this book a month or two ago and really liked it! Great story and redeeming at the end. It just took me a little while to get keep reading. I can't wait to see the movie.
I am almost done with this--and it's really really good. I tend to skim parts of books I don't like (in this case anything negative with the animals), and it wasn't too bad. Can't wait to hear what you think of it! :)
I have been going back and forth with reading this book also and have gotten many mixed reviews when I have read what others said but from what I am reading here I think I will defiantly have to give it a try now. Thank you for asking and thanks to everyone for posting their thoughts! I always hate reviews on Amazon and other sights because I don't always agree and sometimes wonder what kind of people write those reviews.
One of my absolute favorite books! Please read it, you'll enjoy it so much. It is about romance, personal growth, and the affection from animals. I smile thinking about it!
I haven't read a book in a very, very long time that is not school-related. But that passage you just posted was SO intense. I don't know that I could read a book if it was filled with passages like that. My heart would break!
the animal mistreatment was the one part of the book that I hated. it is definitely not a large part of the book, but there are enough passages that I brought it up at my book club. noone else seemed too disturbed by it, so it might just be that we are sensitive to stuff like that (which it sounds like both of us are).
I debated reading the book for a while too, but more because the concept of a boy running away to the circus didn't sound that appealing to me. It wound up being a great decision because I loved the book.
About the animal cruelty, there is a good portion of it in the book. But both Jacob and Marlena love the animals they work with. Since it's told from Jacob's point of view, the scenes with cruelty are told from a view where its seen as a bad thing, and Jacob is just as disgusted by it all. Whereas he (and Marlena) do treat the animals and best as they are able to.
I've heard really goo things about it, but im reading like 4 different books, so I have to find time to read this before I see the movie, I hope its worth it!
I loved the book. BUT I cried and had to skip a few parts. I'm actually not sure I can handle the movie. It's easy to skip a section of a book but I worry about those scenes in the movie
I'm hoping the movie isn't as graphic as some scenes in the book, but overall I love this story. Like I said earlier, I have about 30 pages to go until I'm finished and hope to be done today. I hope you're able to get through it and like it as much as I do.
Haven't read the book, but I ordered it online last week and just got it in the mail. DEFINITELY plan on reading it. Hoping movie is as good as the previews make it out to be.
I am reading this book right now, and I am so bothered by the animal cruelty. I read part of it over lunch and was almost in tears. I'm not sure I can finish it. I'm just so hurt and disturbed by it.
I am a big RW fan, but not sure if I want to see this movie. It changes every other day. I think I will wait to hear what the reviews say. However, every thing I have heard about the book has been very, very good.
I cannot wait to see this movie! I have the book on my kindle and should be starting and finishing it this weekend!
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