There are only 7 couples left on Dancing with the Stars! Do you watch the show? I think this season has been very good so far, and there hasn't been a predictable winner yet which I love. Last season, it was SO obvious that Jennifer Grey was going to win and while it was still fun to watch, it definitely wasn't suspenseful. This season has seen all different stars at the top of the leaderboard. Poor Petra was on top one week and sent home the next. It makes for a very exciting show!
Since we're reaching the middle of the season, I thought it would be fun to make my predictions on who will win the Mirror Ball Trophy this season. (My blog friend Terri does an excellent recap each week of the show so be sure to check that out if you want to see weekly predictions.)
At this point, I think there are three couples that stand out to me and seem to be the most deserving of the trophy.
Chelsea & Mark
Chelsea is obviously very talented. She seems to pick up the dance moves effortlessly. She makes each of her performances look fun. Mark is a very good choreographer, and I like that he keeps in mind her young age and choreographs accordingly.

Hines & Kim
Hines is another natural on the dance floor. Like football, he has put his mind to this and I think he fully expects to come out a winner. His performances are beautiful to watch, and even though we see him struggling during the rehearsals, he really seems to not want to stop practicing until he's got the routine down. Also, his chemistry with Kim is undeniable.

Romeo & Chelsea
My least favorite of the front runners is Romeo. It may just be me, but he seems to have an attitude. That said, he really does seem to be giving this competition his all and his performances are proof of that. He's smooth and makes dancing look easy. But my only question is, does he have the fan base to make it to the top 3 or will Ralph take that from him?

There next two celebrities are the biggest stars of the season. Will their fan base keep them in the running or will they actually get the moves to earn their place in the competition?
Ralph & Karina
Ralph was considered a favorite from the beginning of the season and his first couple of performances were strong. BUT...while I like him, I don't think he's showing much improvement week to week. I think that Chris Jericho is improving more than Ralph, but he may not have the fan base to keep him in the competition like Ralph does. I would like to see Ralph step out of his comfort zone more and just relax a little.

Kirstie & Maks
I think Kirstie has improved a great deal since Week 1. She seems to be able to breathe better after her performances whereas in Week 1, I honestly thought she might have passed out. With that said, I think she might be a fan favorite and therefore isn't really in any danger of going home until after Kendra and Chris leave. Everyone wants to see her do well, I know I do! While her performances are not perfect, I have been impressed with her resilience and strength.

The next two stars are who I consider to be at the bottom.
Chris & Cheryl
Like I said above, Chris is actually pretty good. He has a lot of dedication to the competition and works very well with Cheryl. She's just a great choreographer and makes her partners look good. But, I am not even sure who Chris is and why he is a celebrity. I'm not trying to be mean, but honestly that's part of what makes stars stay on the show from week to week. But maybe I'm the only one who didn't know who he was...

Kendra & Louis
Considered a front runner from before the season even started, Kendra has not met expectations. She tries hard, but it just hasn't come together for her. Last night was her best performance, but I'm not sure she has the fan base to continue. I mean, I like her because of Girls Next Door, but do you think many other people are out there voting for her?

The show has a lot to do with the star's performances as well as the viewers who are voting for them. So there may be someone who had a great performance but just didn't have the votes or vice versa.
Do you agree or think I'm completely off? I'd love to hear your thoughts and remember, these are just my opinions!
Excuse me while I brush the sand out of my hair. . .I OBVIOUSLY have been living under a rock because I didn't know Kirstie Alley was on DWTS. I knew Ralph M was. . . .how did I not know about Kirstie?
I am hanging my head in SHAME!
loving kirstie alley on this show!! best workout ever!
I def am watching. I want Chelsea and Mark to win... Althought Chelsea and Romeo are good as well!!!
Not sure who I think will win...this season has been so unpredictable as far as dances go and who will be on top. I'm not even sure who I want to win. Last night I did really love Romeo and Chelsea's waltz and even with the fall, I liked Ralph and Karina's Paso.
I knew who Chris was...he's a WWE superstar. I never watched wrestling, but I still knew who he was :) I like him!
Chelsea's my fav. But that's just b/c I'm a total Disney nerd. Kirstie's definitely my 2nd fav. Then Kendra.
I don't watch the show regularly though. Just a few minutes here and there. Ready to see Romeo go though. For sure.
My pick is Hines for a very non obvious reason that has nothing to do with dancing. He's a Bulldawg (UGA) that makes him a winner in my book :)
I am hoping that Ralph Macchio wins lol. I love him! Still looks hot at age 50!!!
I have never watched Dancing with the Stars, but I heard that Kirstie Alley was surprising a lot of people!
Sadly being in S. Korea I don't get to watch a whole lot of DWTS but I have always loved LOVED loved Kirstie and want her to win so badly!
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