Aaaaaaaaand I'm back!
I appreciate all of your comments on Tuesday's post (which has now been deleted). If you left a comment, and have an e-mail attached to your profile then you should have received a reply of thanks from me. I truly do appreciate the blog community. I also want to quickly clarify that I do not think being married, having a house or having a great job makes a life perfect. I was simply using those as examples of things I do not have that my mom may wish I had at this point in my life.
I was also so happy with all of the positive comments about Spotted Moth! I went over to the website today to order the ladybird dress and the doctor doctor handbag (yay for payday!) BUT they are both SOLD OUT! Were any of you responsible for this??! Haha! If you did happen to order anything, I'd love to hear about your experience with the store and the quality of your purchases. I'm hoping the items I want get restocked soon!
In other news, I'm so thankful that today is my Friday since we are off work tomorrow for Good Friday. I think it's sad that we can no longer call this holiday Easter. I still made festive cupcakes and brought them to work. My boss thanked me for the "spring holiday" cupcakes...ugh.

green dyed coconut and jelly beans
on top of chocolate/vanilla cupcakes!
I am so looking forward to a long weekend! I have some ideas of what I'd like to do to celebrate my birthday, but we don't really have a set agenda.
Also, totally random, but have you guys seen this:

Honestly, I haven't really been paying attention to the Royal Wedding hype, but I thought this was really funny. And could they have found a more unflattering picture of the beautiful princess-to-be?? I mean really...
That's it for now! I hope all of you have a lovely Easter and enjoy the weekend!
ps - don't forget that each comment on my blog until April 30
counts as an entry in my surprise birthday giveaway!
All this PC talk makes me depressed. I think those who don't want to call it "Easter" or "Christmas" need to shut it. Seriously. It ruins it for everybody else.
Mmmm, Easter cupcakes!
I posted easter cupcakes today too!!!!
my mom ALWAYS made cupcakes like that! too cute!
I certainly agree that it's sad we can no longer refer to the holiday as Easter, and same with Christmas as M. mentioned above. Someone always has to make things complicated. Their loss... we'll all just have fun celebrating Easter this weekend. :)
It is a sad time indeed that these holidays have become PC! It is nice to have this post Ms. Sweet Tea where you just bring us up to speed. You know, just touch base with us. Finally, you hit the nail right on the head. Who was the clown that picked the oh so unflattering picture of Ms. Middleton?
I'm sorry I missed Tuesday's post and hope that everything is okay.
The cupcakes you brought into work are so pretty! That was nice of you to do that. I agree that it's a little ridiculous that we can't call the holidays what they are when it comes to work.
That really is a horrendous photo of the Princess to be. I haven't really been following all the stories either and I'll be at sea the day of the wedding. They're airing it on the ship, but I'm not getting up that early to see it.
I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and a Happy Easter!
seriously.....spring holiday......ha. i guess you cant get any more pc than that!
I kept seeing that headline and wondered just how a jelly bean could look like a person. But crazy enough I think it actually does!
I went to order the Ladybird dress a few days ago and it was sold out too. :( Those cupcakes look cute. Wish I could have one now.
The cupcakes are too cute..
I dont feel too smart, but what does the PC that you guys are referring to mean?? I'm sorry your items were sold out, I hate when I eyeball something for a while and finally get the money and its SOLD OUT! I'd be upset too, hopefully it'll be restocked soon!
hahahaha that jelly bean- too funny! Hope you're feeling better hun! Oh and Happy EASTER!!!!!!
Oh jelly bean-- you should totally go see this ( Someone posts snarky comments on pictures of Kate Middleton and they're hilarious!
I hope you had a great day off today Ang!(Love your EASTER cupcakes too. Too cute!) I just recently read an article in the paper here in Seattle where a class of kindergardeners were having not hunting for Easter eggs...instead, they were looking for "spring spheres". how lame is that? LOL
Hope you are feeling better by now! Cute cupcakes! I also went to go check out the Doctor Doctor bag and it is still sold out!! I am not sure if i'll be watching the Royal Wedding or not. So much hype over it!
Looove that jellybean. So funny.
OK where have I been? We're not allowed to say Easter anymore?! What are we supposed to call it? :S
I'm not all up on the wedding hype, but I do like Kate - her fashion, her (seemingly great) personality, and her girl next doro looks!
Your Easter cupcakes look so amazing!
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