I didn't think I'd end up buying another color because nothing really stood out to me when I looked online. But then....I was in Whole Foods over the weekend, and saw the TOMS display and was immediately drawn to this bright green color! Luckily, they had my size and now they're mine!!

I'm in love! They are so comfortable and such a great color for summer.
I would write about my weekend as well, but it was just more bike riding, healthy eating (with the exception of the mountainous bike ride to Chick-fil-A, but I'm justifying eating that by telling myself that I burned over 1,000 calories getting there!), and relaxing.
Oh wait, I did discover Chi Chi's Skinny Margarita (similar to Bethenny's Skinny Girl but you get more and it's cheaper!) and it is delicious! 95 calories a serving and yummy!

How was your weekend?
Love the Toms!! I will definitely have to try this Skinny Margarita! I wonder if I will find it on the West Coast?! We don't have Skinny Girl :(
Cute Toms!
I still "need" to get a pair.
Mine was good. . . .but I did't get cute shoes. :(
I really need to take your lead vis-a-vis healthy eating.
If I could burn 1,000 calories riding a bike, I would eat Chick-fil-A every day :) I'm just saying. Keep up the good work!!
And that margrita mixer! Do they have it at the liquor store like they do Bethany's? I hadn't heard there was another type. I'll have to check it out!
I am in love with those TOMS!! I need a new pair so bad. May have to see if my Whole Foods has them :)
Sorry they were sold out of the gold TOMS, but I'm loving the new color that you picked out. That is also such a cute shot of you in them next to the pool.
You're doing awesome on the bike riding and keep it up! I think a little Chik-Fil-A was in order after a trek like that.
Um...Chi Chi's Skinny Margarita?! Sign me up!
Ohh where can I get this Chi Chi's Margarita mix? Sounds delicious!
Just visiting after such a long time of being away.. sorry! I need to play catch up when I get some more time. Hope all is well with you!
Oooh your TOMS are so cute! Have you seen the platform TOMS? The original version isn't my thing but I could definitely see myself wearing the platform ones!
I NEED to find these Chi Chi's Margaritas! I wasn't a huge fan of Bethenny's version but I do like making it myself. Where did you find it?
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