Ashley is looking for love...
on this season of The Bachelorette!
I'll just be honest with you.
I stopped watching The Bachelor after Andrew Firestone.
I only watched the first season of The Bachelorette with Trista.
But for some reason, I'm excited about this season.
I know that many of you were less than thrilled
that Ashley was chosen as the new bachelorette.
I did watch the last 4 episodes of last season with
bachelor Brad, so I do know a little bit about Ashley.
I think she was LUCKY to be eliminated by Brad.
Who in their right mind would want to be with him?
We mainly watched the show last season just to
see how d-baggy Brad was and to make fun of him.
But anywayyyyy....
I thought I'd share my thoughts about the guys that
stood out to me last night, and who I think
Ashley should keep around and get rid of....
ps - I DO NOT read spoilers so don't tell me
what Reality Steve is saying please.
On first impression, my favorite guys are:
J.P. - I thought their time alone was cute,
and the cupcake connection was funny.
Loved Ben F. from the first minute he was on,
talking about his parents and his winery.
I thought it was awesome that he brought
wine (that he made) to share with Ashley.
I also liked Constantine's gimmick of
tying dental floss on Ashley's finger.
Plus, he is from Cumming, GA (woot woot)
so I want to support him :)

Total duds in my book:
Jeff (the mask guy) the concept of getting
to know a person without the face,
but thought it might have been slightly creepy.
Bentley...what a JERK.
Ashley, he isn't even attractive!!!
From the previews, he seems to cause her
a lot of heartbreak. But honestly, she was
warned, and I think that messed with her head.
From first impression, I also liked William,
but changed my mind as soon as he said
he wants to "be a kid" forever....
that's never a good thing to hear.

Others that stood out to me,
but I don't really feel one way or the other about them...
West - liked his opening gimmick of giving Ashley a broken compass
Ben C. - thought his idea of using signs to get Ashley's attention was cute
Ames - this guy seems nice! (and looks like a combination
of Harry Connick Jr. & Brendan Fraser)
Ryan P. - got the first impression rose, but from my first
impression it seemed like he just talked about himself
and his success the entire time with Ashley
And finally, does anyone else think that Ryan P.
looks like Robert Buckley?
Ashley seems to think that everything and everyone is
Let me know your thoughts on the premiere
and who you think is going to go far
and who needs to go far away!
click here for ashley's blog
and here for chris harrison's blog
and all pics from abc,
except last which is from google
All I can say is. . . . Thank YOU for watching it so I don't gotta.
I tuned in to see Constantine since he's from my hometown! He goes by Dino in real life :) He's the brother of a middle/high school acquaintance and I've eaten at their restaurant so many times. Small world!!! I don't usually watch but must cheer on someone from Cumming :)
I don't watch the show, but it does remind me of 'Find Elyse a Valentine' in which Elyse puts up a craigslist ad, and then posts all the responses and lets people comment on it. There's some similarities to The Bachelorette, I swear ;)
I think JP is absolutely adorable, he has the cutest smile! William is cute, but I agree he threw me with the being a kid comment. What woman wants to be married to a boy? Also really loving Ames (how sweet were the ballet tickets?!?)
I guess I need to start watching this show since NOTHING else is on right now.
Speaking of which...I never wrote you back about Bones! OMG...I can't believe she is pregnant. Although, as one of the shows biggest fans, I am totally let own that the whole scene that created this baby wasn't even in the show!!!!!! I've waited 6 years damn it!! I wanted to see the big moment! And not in a dream! What did you think of it?
I love this crappy show!
Agree on many accounts, but I did like William best. Hopefully his nerves brought out the lame "kid" comment.
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