While I was devastated that my beach cruiser was stolen a couple of weeks ago, I knew that it was actually going to turn out to be a good thing. See, riding a beach cruiser anywhere other than the beach isn't very ideal. Who would have thought, right??! It's heavy, only has a 5 gear shifter, and is really hard to maneuver up hills or slight inclines. But still, I had ridden it to and from work most days last spring and summer. It was fun, but I longed for a real road bike that would help improve my speed and agility.
On Saturday, I finally bought the bike I had been looking at for over a year and I couldn't be happier (or is it more happy? either way, that's what i am)! Yes, it was a little on the pricey side (for me at least), but I definitely consider it an investment. With gas prices climbing the way they are, I am saving money by riding to work instead of driving. With a gym membership costing me $50 a month, I'm getting my fitness in with every bike ride and I get to be outside breathing in fresh air instead of inside a stinky gym.
I've already ridden 40 miles, and I've had the bike less than 3 full days. I'm going to keep up with my mileage on the sidebar of my blog because once I've hit 1,430 miles, I will have paid for my bike with gas savings. Haha! That's a lot of miles, but I want to challenge myself to make it there someday.
Anyway, here she is...
And here I am, all suited up for my first ride on Saturday...

And my PSA of the day:
This is a good time to brush up on your bicycle and auto etiquette. In the warmer months, you will see many more bike riders out there, and it's important that drivers of both bicycles and cars know the law. I always wear a helmet and try to take roads with bike lanes. If I'm not in a bike lane, I pray that those car drivers around me know how to pass me safely and how to read my hand signals for turning or crossing a lane. The laws vary from state to state, but you can google "bicycle and auto etiquette" for your own city or state to find out more. If you are in Los Angeles, here is a link to that information.
I hope all of you are having a great Monday!
She's a beauty and congrats on getting a new bike! It sounds like you can do a lot more with this one. Enjoy it :)
I am so happy for you! What a great bike & you look like Ms. Fitness on it!
I was telling friends about your amazing attitude towards your bike theif. They are as awed as I am.
AWWWWWWWWWWWW! You got a new bike!!!! SOOOO happy for you! WOW-- things really worked out!!! Did I already say I'm SOOOO happy for you?! CONGRATS on your new bike!!!
I love your PSA... and you're making me want to get on my bike! You look adorable on yours. And I hear the beach cruisers are definitely harder to ride, but it's still a bummer about yours!
All this talk about bikes lately. I so want one now! :)
And Congrats to your best friend on her engagement! love the ring :)
Love the ticker! How fun!
Good for you! You turned lemons into lemonade! I love the new bike and you look so happy on it!
Sorry I am a week lat - but yay! That's def a great way to get exercise! Good for you!
I'm glad your happy and thanks for the PSA....with Lallie becoming quite the bike rider, I'm having trouble keeping up and think it's time for me to get back into biking as well!
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