My best friend in the entire world just got engaged! I was ecstatic to hear the news last weekend! Jenny is honestly the most loving and deserving lady I know and I'm so happy that she has met her Prince Charming. Back in December when she first started dating her fiancée, I predicted that she would be engaged in 6 months or less. She laughed it off, but somehow I just knew that it would turn out true!

isn't her ring just beyond gorgeous??!
Yesterday she called and asked me to be a bridesmaid! Of course I accepted right away, and I'm so honored to be a part of her big day! The only thing I know so far is that the wedding will be in October. I requested that she please not make me wear an orange dress because that has to be the least flattering color on my skin tone (half joking with my request, but mostly serious). Thankfully, she is leaning towards a gold/champagne color palette which I think will be absolutely beautiful. I'm very excited to see what she has planned for the wedding, she's so creative and talented so I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
I think this is my 6th time being a bridesmaid or maid of honor. Each time is special, and I feel blessed to have had friends that want me to be a part of their wedding!
I'd love to send her a "congratulations on your engagement" present, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for. So I'm asking all of you engaged/married ladies out there, what was a gift that you received during your engagement that was special or meaningful? Maybe something unique from Etsy!
Thank you for your help!
ps - the mamapedia deal for $30 worth of ProFlowers for $15 ends soon but you still have a little time to take advantage of this great deal!
Being a bridesmaid is just the best!!
I received two ring holders (one monogrammed and one crystal) and I love them both. I have one by the kitchen sink and one in our master bath. I would highly recommend doing this (I'm sure you could find a cool one on etsy- check out Paloma's Nest). Her ring is GORGEOUS!!!
I second the ring holder and Paloma's Nest items are perfect.
yay. so exciting. thanks for sharing love. check out my pick for fabulous friday and find out who landed on the fash fave and fash fail list of the week. would love the support. xoxo
For all the latest celebrity fashion news.
I love these prints from Etsy (the personalized tree print and personalized mix tape print are both in my home) and I think they would be great engagement gifts:
I think the ring holder is a great idea, too :)
Congrats to your best friend and that is so wonderful that she asked you to be a bridesmaid! October weddings are so beautiful and I can't wait to hear all about it.
I definitely say Etsy is the way to go for a nice gift.
My favorite -- and most used -- gift was a wedding planner. There's probably an app for that now though!
I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. . .seiously the best gift any couple could have. We took it after being married for over 15 years. 15 wasted years. SO wish I'd done it as soon as we got engaged!
Yayy! For your friend! I agree with the above comment about Financial Peace University. Three things that I really appreciated receiving when I was newly engaged were packages of thank you notes, a makeup bag with my soon-to-be new last initial embroidered and Real Simple's Wedding Planning Guide.
fun!! her ring IS gorgeous. my bff is getting married in two weeks and i so want to go but i can't make it. lame.
Congrats to her! Pretty ring! I know it's an overdone idea...but what about a wedding plan guide or organizer? Or two champagne flutes?
I absolutely love being a bridesmaid. I have three this summer and I am so excited!
Congratulations to your friend!! One of the sweetest gifts I received when I got engaged was a "Bride Basket." My best friend filled it with bridal magazines, a cup that said "Because I'm the Bride..that's why!", a notepad that said "My to-do's before I do," etc. So very thoughtful and I definitely used all of my goodies :) Have fun!!
How about sending the bride to be a blank journal so she will be able to write down her thoughts each day. one day she will go back and re=read the journal and experience thoughts and feeling she may have forgotten.
How about a $50 gift card to MAC Cosmetics? With the purchase of $50 you get a free makeover, with that she can get a makeup consult for as to what look she wants for her big day.
The best gift I got was from my soon to be sister in law. She contacted all my bridesmaids, my mom, and other extended female members of my family. She asked each of them to send in their favorite photo of me with them, a recipe they wanted to share, and/or words of advice. She compiled all the submissions into a book (scrapbook style) and it was amazing! I started to cry as I flipped though it. Four years later, I still flip though the book occasionally when I'm homesick - it's a wonderful reminder that you're loved!
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