I'm joining in with Jen from Perfectly Imperfect, who I found from Janna at Happiness is a Journey to share what's on my "currently...." list. Thanks Jen for letting us play along!
Current Book(s):
Still trying to finish Water for Elephants.

Current Playlist:
21 - Adele
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
The Dutchess - Fergie
Current Color:
Mint Candy Apple - Essie
(yes, it's old but I still love it!!)

Current Drink:
It's always water!
Current Food:
Quaker Oats Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal
Current Favorite Show:
Since most of my favorite shows are on hiatus right now,
I'd say Top Chef: Masters and Real World: Las Vegas
Current Wishlist:
Sandals for Summer!

Current Needs:
(who doesn't need more?!)
Current Triumphs:
Consistently riding my bike and enjoying it!
Current Banes of my Existence:
People that run red lights as I'm getting
on the crosswalks...bad drivers in general
(you know, the ones that don't pay attention
to a bike on the road and almost kill me!)
Current Celebrity Crush:

Current #1 Blessing:
Living & Breathing (and having a job!)
Current Indulgence:

Find me here.
Current Outfit:
Green tank from Gap
Striped Boyfriend Cardigan from Old Navy
Sandals from Francesca's
Current Excitement:
Payday is tomorrow!
A 30+ mile bike ride this weekend with C!
Movie date to see Bridesmaids on Sunday!

Current Mood:
Feel free to play along with Jenn and link up here.
This is cute for a survey of currents!! Love your taste in celeb crushes :) Hope you are well sweetie! xxxoo
Great book!
Bridesmaids is HILARIOUS! You will love it.
I saw those shoes at Payless the other day and I wanted them too! But instead I got two of the same pair in different colors from Target. :)
I LOVE when you blog...I love reading it and I really love when I see your name pop up on mine...you just bring a smile to my face...and I thought you should know that :)
And I can't look at Colin without seeing a young Tom Cruise...thanks to the host Jennifer pointing that out in the movies the other day :)
Have a great evening!
Love the sandals from Francesca's! That's one of my favorite stores :) And I definitely need those ruffle sandals from Payless!
Love all of this! I can't wait to see Bridesmaids (which reminds me, I need to get a babysitter for tomorrow and quick!) Have a fun filled weekend on your bike! :-)
Colin gives me the creepers!! Try to look at him and not see Tom Cruise ... it's so not possible!
Thanks for playing along with my little impromptu linkup
I'm in the market for some cute sandals too so thanks for showing the ones you've found!
I'm playing! Totally!
Yay! Adele! She's my current playlist too!
I hope you’re enjoying Water for Elephants. Ever since I finished it I’ve head trouble getting into another book!
Adele’s new album is so ridiculously good. The Duchess is an oldie, but a goodie.
The turquoise ruffle sandals from Payless are super cute!
Colin Egglesfield is adorable. He used to be on the new Melrose Place before it got cancelled.
Your tootsies look so cute in those sandals and I love that polish shade.
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