A huge thank you to everyone for helping kick start my 25th Birthday Bonanza! I've had a great time celebrating and hope you have as well! If you were not a winner the first time around, then here is your second chance!
I'm super excited about this week's giveaway because I'm including all the things I think a *preppy and fabulous* lady needs!
First up, I have discovered a website called Preppy Monogrammed Gifts and they have so many wonderful items! One of my personal favorites are the customized cosmetic bags!
Style #1

Like this...
(comes in chocolate, hot pink, black, lime green, white, light pink with choice of thread color, font and accenting ribbon)
Style #2

And this is cute too!
(there is also a choice of palm tree, lobster, starfish, and crab - pictured above)
The winner will have their choice of cosmetic bag, which will be filled with a number of surprises - some of my very favorite things. I promise they won't disappoint!
Next, I wanted to include a unique piece of jewelry. I was going to do the typical silver or pearl jewelry, but then I figured most of us already have that in our jewelry box! I finally found what I was looking for and I think it's perfect because it's versatile, great for summer, AND it will include the winner's monogram! What's more preppy than that??!?

Oval shell pendant on a double strand of hand-strung beads
(choice of 2 different colors for the beads: pink/black, fuchsia/orange, lime/aqua, black/white, aqua/brown, fuchsia/lime, brown/pink)

Here's how to enter:
1. Look at the cosmetic bags offered on the Preppy Monogrammed Gifts website. Come back and let me know if you would choose:
Simply state that you would choose Style #1 or if you choose Style #2, let me know which preppy image you like the best! This is good for one entry.
2. Be a follower or become a follower for 2 additional entries.
3. Add this giveaway link to your sidebar or blog about it for 3 additional entries.
4. Add my button or let me know you already have my button on your blog for 4 additional entries.
There is a possibility of 10 entries per person. You don't have to do all of these, but please let me know in ONE comment what you have done (I'll figure out the number of entries you're eligible for)!
Good luck!
Next, I wanted to include a unique piece of jewelry. I was going to do the typical silver or pearl jewelry, but then I figured most of us already have that in our jewelry box! I finally found what I was looking for and I think it's perfect because it's versatile, great for summer, AND it will include the winner's monogram! What's more preppy than that??!?

Oval shell pendant on a double strand of hand-strung beads
(choice of 2 different colors for the beads: pink/black, fuchsia/orange, lime/aqua, black/white, aqua/brown, fuchsia/lime, brown/pink)
And last but not least, the winner will receive her choice of Manners, Style OR Occasions by Ms. Kate Spade. These books need no introduction and are an essential element for any bookshelf.

Enter by Friday, April 10 at 8 pm PST to have a chance of winning!
Here's how to enter:
1. Look at the cosmetic bags offered on the Preppy Monogrammed Gifts website. Come back and let me know if you would choose:
the classic monogrammed cosmetic bag with accenting ribbon and monogram (Style #1 above)
one of the cosmetic bags with a preppy graphic and monogram (Style #2 above)
one of the cosmetic bags with a preppy graphic and monogram (Style #2 above)
Simply state that you would choose Style #1 or if you choose Style #2, let me know which preppy image you like the best! This is good for one entry.
2. Be a follower or become a follower for 2 additional entries.
3. Add this giveaway link to your sidebar or blog about it for 3 additional entries.
4. Add my button or let me know you already have my button on your blog for 4 additional entries.
There is a possibility of 10 entries per person. You don't have to do all of these, but please let me know in ONE comment what you have done (I'll figure out the number of entries you're eligible for)!
Good luck!
Sorry, I thought you wanted each entry on a separate comment for the random number generator. I'd like style #2 with the Starfish. I'm a follower, this is on my sidebar, and your button is on my blog!
What a birthday celebration!
I would choose style 2 (starfish)
I am already a follower and will link to this on my blog :)
Adorable! She really does have nice stuff! I would go with style number one and I'm already a follower!
i love the pink and green crab bag!!
i;m already a follower, and i have your button too =)
WOW! What a great giveaway! I would choose style 2 (crab)
I am already a follower and I will add you to my side bar! Thanks again:)
I love these bags. I'd choose #1, the classic style. I'm also a follower. Those are all awesome prizes!
I love style #1 and I'm a follower too.
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!!!!!
I would choose Style #1
I am a follower :)
I have your standard button on my blog!!!!
I have the Giveaway button on my blog too!!!
Style 1! I'm a follower!
Style 2: Whale
I am a follower
The link is on my side bar
and I have your button.
What a great giveaway. I adore style number 1 and Im already a follower.
I like style #2 with the crab embroidery.
I am a follower.
Love reading your postings.
What a cute fun summer giveaway!!
I love style #1.
*I am a follower
* I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog.
* I added your button to my blog!
I like style #1 - put me down for 10 I'm a follower..have your button and put about the give-away above the button!!!
I like style # 1. I am a follower, I have your button and I will add this giveaway to my sidebar
you are beyond generous with your giveaways celebrating your birthday! I get excited for you reading how excited you are about your birthday! I am a follower and love style #1, the classic. . . ♥ Happy Birthday, btw! :)
Happy Birthday!!!
I would choose style 1 and I am a follower :o)
Aren't you just the sweetest...giving something away on YOUR birthday!! And what a very generous giveaway at that! I of course love #1 in hot pink with initials and the rest of the things offered are just too cute!!! I follow you and I'll put this on my sidebar. I also have your button and I see you have mine!! YAY!! :D Have an awesome week and a very blessed Easter!
I like style #2 starfish and I am already a follower:)
What a great giveaway!!
I love style #1.
*I am a follower
* I added your button to my blog!
This is the best giveaway!
I would choose style 2 (with the crab & my monogram!)
I am a follower, and I've linked to this on my sidebar. Oh, please pick me!
Such a cute giveaway- you are so creative!!
I love style #1, and am a follower!
It's your birthday and we get the goodies - thanks so much. I am in love with style #2. Take it a step further and my pick would be the pale pink cosmetics bag with the green whale-absolutly adoreable. Keeping my fingers crossedthat you pick me. I am a follower of your blog.
I would MOST DEFINITELY choose the pink one with the palm tree on it! SO cute! :)
I have become a follower - your blog is great!
I have blogged about your giveaway on my blog.
I have added your button to my sidebar as well!
AWESOME giveaway! YAY!
i l♥ve these! i'd choose style #1 .. i am a follower .. posted on my blog .. thanks!!
Style 1 for me!
I'm a follower and have your blog button on my page :)
This is the cutest giveaway ever. I love style #2 and I have been dying for the kate spade books!!! I am also a follower!
Style #1 is lovely! And I am a follower!
I am a style 1 type girl - I have you on my sidebar and I am a follower
Much Love!!
Great giveaway! I adore that site, they have the cutest stuff.
If I won, I would get the starfish design cosmetic bag!
I have you on my sidebar and I am already a follower! Love your blog.
I'd choose #1, LOVE the black and pink!!! So cute!!
I'm a follower.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
WOW....this is some great stuff!
I'd choose #1!
I am a follower, and I have mentioned your giveaway on my blog in a post.
I have also added a button on my sidebar too.
You are also on my blogroll too.
Thank you for doing this and sharing with us!!!
Love Style #1
I follow!
Hooray for your BIRTHDAY :) Style 2 is super cute, so, yes please! I'm a follower, your button is on my blog, I'll add this to my sidebar= 10 entries. if ya need my email: mwbsweeters@gmail.com
I would choose #1, I love the polka dots. I'm also a follower and I have your button on my sidebar!
I am a follower and love style #1. What an awsome giveaway girl.
Im a follower :) and style one is adorable!
I love the first bag!
I am blogging right now about your giveaway at UncoveringFood.com!
I would pick style #1 with Ellie's monogram so she could use the bag for her dance makeup and hair accessories. :) I love that you are doing a month long birthdy celebration!!! I am a follower and I'm adding your give away to my side bar right now!!! XOXO
I would definitely choose number 1! I love the ribbon and anything monogrammed! Happy early birthday :) I just became a follower.
Oh goodness, I would have to choose the first style because it's so classic and cute! I'm already a follower, added a link to my sidebar, and added your button! Great giveaway!!!
love it! my fave is the crab one. i'm a follower, and i will take your button! :)
Love the give away very cute idea :-) I love style #1, I am a follower, and I have your button on my side bar.
Oooh they are both too cute but I think the crab one is my fav! I just became a follower, and I have a link and your button on my sidebar!!
ps Just started reading your blog and I LOVE it!!
Aww Happy Birthday! I have been MIA in blog world, but I received my package in the mail! Thanks again, it was so sweet of you!
I would love to be entered for the next giveaway. I like design number 2 in the preppy lobster. I am already a follower and will post about this on my blog!
I love style number 2!! I exspecially love the whale one. I am also a follower :)
Too Cute!
Style #2 - Crabby all the way!
Faithful Follower!
Blogged about it!
Button posted!
I'm a brand new blogger, so I haven't figured out anything yet as far as extra entries, but for my one entry, I'll tell you that as a Carolina Girl, I'd have to choose the Preppy Palm Tree! Thanks!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your twenties. They fly by!!!
1. I love Style #1.
2. How could I *not* become a follower? I'm an official stalker now.
3. I linked your give-a-way in a blog entry.
4. I put your blog link on the right hand side of my blog. Why not do that, either? I say - - share the awesomeness.
So cool.
I love style #2! I have never seen a cosmetics bag as cute!! And I JUST became a follower
Style one and I just became a follower. Happy birthday!
What a great giveaway! I would go w/style #1, and I am already a follower. HAppy Birthday!!
Oh I love #1
I am a follower.
Added a link on my sidebar
Added your button.
So I guess ten entries?
So excited, you are totally inspiring me to give on my next birthday. Sending good thoughts your way!
Hello, Ms. Sweet Tea! I just became a follower of your blog! I would choose bag #1, and I have both KS books except for Occasions, which I'd love to have! Your giveaway is so generous. I'm posting about it on my blog! xoxo
You are just the sweetest! I like style #1. I am a follower <3
What a great giveaway! Happy Birthday! I am a follower and I am blogging about your giveaway! Love the whale!
Another great giveaway! I would choose Style #1 (classic). I am already a follower, have posted this on the sidebar of my blog and your button is already on my blog :)
I like style #1 in lime green....idk how to do the rest! lol
I love it - it's your birthday but we get the presents! :)
I like Style 2 with the Starfish on it.
I follow your blog, this giveaway is on my sidebar AND I have your button on my blog! :)
This is a WONDERFUL giveaway!!
I would choose Style one
I am a follower
I have put this giveaway on my sidebar and
your button is on my blog!!
Too fun!! I would choose style #1, I love the black with lime green thread.
I am also a follower! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I love style #1! It's so cute! I added you to my google reader.
I would choose Style #2 and probably the whale...which is really cute :)
I'm a follower and I'll post it to my blog!
i like style 2 with the starfish. great giveaway!
Oh my gosh...you always have the most amazing giveaways!!!
I like Style 2, with the crab. How adorable is that??!!! And I am already a loyal follower. Thanks so much for the opportunity! :)
I also posted about your giveaway on my sidebar!
I love style # 2 with the whale - too cute! And I'm a follower! Hope you have fun in ATL!
Style #2 is my favorite. That little whale is so cute. I'm a follower and I have your button!
I am a follower and would love for Style 1
Thanks for hosting such fun giveaways! I like style 1. I'm also a follower.
Style one is loooovely!
I love style #1.
I am a follower!
I am taking your button home with me!
Thanks for a great giveaway:)
If I were lucky enough to win, I'd love to get style #2 with a palm tree; I'd give it to my mom for her 60th birthday.
I added a button and blogged--thanks so much for the chance to win!
- I'd love Style #1 :)
- I'm also a blog follower.
- I added your button to my blog!
contact me at:
What adorabale make up bags! IF I was lucky enough to win I would love style #1 in chocolate with pink thread.
I am a new follower
I love these bags!!! If I was lucky enough, which I never am, I would choose style #1 in chocolate and pink (those were our wedding colors).
I am also a new follower and will link this to my bog! Yeah for 3 entries! :-)
Thanks so much for doing this! I am very excited!
sorry i deleted my earlier comment; i left something out!
i would pick style #1, i'm a follower, your button is on my blog, and i blogged about it.
safe travels to ATL!
OOOH! Your giveaway bonanaza is better than mine....and I LIKE IT! HAHAHAHA! I would choose style #2 and I love the pink lobster bag she has on her site! What a great site. I am already following.
I like Style #1. Still trying to get lots of stuff with my new monogram :)
And I am a follower!
Style #1 is so classic!
Iam a new follower!
and i add the giveaway link to my sidebar!
ps Happy birthday!
I love the chocolate with pink lime strips.
Happy Happy birthday!!
I would love style two just as shown ((with the whale in green))
1. I am a follower.
2. Adding you to my sidebar.
3. of course I'm taking your button too :)
How fun! I would choose Style #2, with a palm tree. I already have your button on my blog, and I'm already a follower :)
Happy Birthday!
Style #1....
So much fun!!
I would choose Style #2 with the palm tree.
I am a follower.
I blogged about your fabulous giveaways.
I added your button to my sidebar!
Hope you're having a fab time at home and the weather is not too cold!
What a wonderful giveaway to celebrate your birthday! Happy birthday!
I love style #2 with the palm tree. I'm a follower, have posted a link to your giveaway on my blog and have added your button to my sidebar!
Hope you are enjoying your time at home!
I would choose style #1. Thank your for a chance to win. Happy Birthday!!
Wow, I love monogrammed stuff, or at least the idea of it. I have yet to own anything that I havent used a sharpie to monogram it myself... I love style #1 in pink and brown. and being the boring me that I am, I would have to say the necklace would be great in pink and brown also! Happy Birthday and great giveaway!
I will definitely be following here on out!
I will also be snagging your button!
Miss Sweet Tea, you really have the best giveaways ever! I love style #1 the best. Also, I'm a follower, I posted a link about this giveaway on my sidebar, and I have your button :)
Wow! I just found your blog through Nautical by Nature, and I absolutely love it. Get ready for some comments because I have a lot of catching up to do. Your give away looks AMAZING, and I just became a follower :)
Have fun at home!
I love Style #2
I love the whale
Follower ( 3 entries) yay!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love style 1
I'd chose number 2 with the crab just like your picture. I'm also a follower and I will add your giveaway to my blog! Happy Birthday!!
I hope I'm not too late for this!
I'd choose #2 with the palm tree! I'm a follower and I also have your button on my blog :-) come over and check out my giveaway!!
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