So my week has been consumed with a whole lot of Tour de France. I'm serious! I've been recording the stages and watching them when I get home from work! I feel so bad for Lance! It's one thing to be older and not win because of lack of ability to compete with the younger cyclists, but it's totally different when you are knocked out because of bad luck. And he sure did have a lot of it in Stage 8. I have high hopes for Andy Schleck to win and Levi Leipheimer to at least get on the podium.
Are any of you watching the tour?
I made a homemade cake last weekend and it was delicious! I wanted to share the recipe because it is perfect for any chocolate lover. I don't enjoy many chocolate desserts, but this one really had me contemplating seconds [and maybe thirds, too]! I found the recipe on the back of a Hershey's cocoa powder container. It was super simple and you probably have most, if not all, of the ingredients in your house already.
The recipe makes a two-layer round cake, but I decided to cut each of my layers in half so I ended up with a four-layer cake. Unfortunately, the frosting recipe only makes enough for the original two-layer cake so if you are going to add the extra layers, I'd recommend making extra frosting as well.
You can click here for the cake and frosting recipe!

Thank you to the lovely Ashley over at Sweet Southern Prep for giving me the "You're Going Places" Award! I need to share where I think I will be in 10 years and then pass the award on to ten bloggers.

I honestly have no idea where I will be in ten years. I hope to be in a different career, doing something I enjoy and have a passion for. It could be party planning or baking specialty cupcakes. I just know I don't want to be in an office for the rest of my life, being controlled by corporate policies. I hope to be married, possibly with children. Or at least a dog!
I don't know who has received this award already! Sorry if I award anyone twice...you're just extra loved :) Desperately Seeking Seersucker, A Daily Dose of Davis, Chic & Pink, Inner Workings of a Real-Life Barbie Doll, Handbag Obsessed, Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Journey, Polish and Pearls, Nautical by Nature, Powderpuffs N Pearls {private blogger}, and Sweet Simplicity.
I don't blame you for not wanting to be stuck inside an office...with corporate politics! Ugh! Follow your dreams girl!
Now, I seriously love Vegas and am so jealous:)
The cake looks de-lish. I'm trying to cut back (yuck) and your pictures are making it extremely difficult! It's funny that you found the recipe on the back of a product. I won a cornbread contest in 5th grade using the recipe off the back of a cornmeal package.
Oh my goodness, that cake does not bode well for my new "healthy diet" plans, haha :)
That cake looks fabulous and I'm right with you on not loving chocolate most of the time.
Thank you so much for the award. I too hope in 10 years to not be working. Although Ellie will be in college then so I'll probably have to work 3 jobs to pay tuition. :) XOXO
that seafood spread is to die for little lady. Glad you had a great time!! xxxoo
poor lance :(
What a great way to spend the 4th!! I love Vegas. Your pics are great! xoxo
Thanks for the award! That chocolate cake looks amazing, and the crawfish? They look like they'd be sooo good whenever I see them all sprawled out with corn and potatoes, lol, but they just freak me out! I'm gonna have to be tough one day and just try them!
Honey, this made my 18th yr I have been watching TDF!! My hubby use to race bikes.....so......
Vegas looks awesome and so does that cake!!
Okay, that's it!! After TWO posts about this Jitlada Thai place you've got me terribly sad that we don't have one:( I would love to try some super spicy Thai cuisine. Hmmm...wonder if any of our restaurants have heard of this place, and could try to mimic it?
Thanks so much for the bloggy award!!
No tour for me.. however that cake looks incredible!
Thanks for the award!
I went to Target after work today. Deadly. Your card definitely came in handy. I actually found something for you so be on the lookout!
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