One of the best parts of the evening was getting to see the NCIS episode, Mother's Day, before it aired {last night's episode} and without commercials! The cast really seems to enjoy each other and I love how they are all so appreciative of the show and the fans. I feel that if I were to run into any of them in a public setting, they'd be more than happy to sign an autograph or pose for a picture. They seemed to genuinely love acting!
I had such a great evening, and still can't believe that I was in the same room as some of my favorite celebrities! In fact, I was about 3 feet from Cote de Pablo and Michael Weatherly when the cast was signing autographs at the end of the show. It was a madhouse at the front, but Kate managed to get both of our tickets signed by the very handsome Michael! It was so amazing and a memory that I'll cherish forever {corny I know, but true}!

Things I Noticed/Learned:
- Michael Weatherly is married??! Since when?
- Cote de Pablo is very giggly and a little girl.
- Now that I've seen "Tony" and "Ziva" together in real life, I really want them to get together on the show! They just seem so comfortable as "Tiva."
- Sean Murray got reaaaaaallllllyyy skinny. His new look had me concerned because he really doesn't look healthy. He also didn't talk very much or seem to be having as good a time as the other actors.
- Rocky Carroll seems like a nice guy! I love to hate him on NCIS because he does a lot of things that make me angry, but in real life, he is very gracious and appreciative.
- Actors are much shorter in real life than they seem on tv {with the exception of Michael}.
- Fans are CRAZY when it comes to the chance at getting an autograph. I got squished, pushed, and stepped on while trying to get close to the stage.
PS - Stay tuned for my Las Vegas weekend recap!!
What a fun time!! So cool :)
It is so exciting getting to meet celebs that you actually like and respect. The event sounds really fun and I’m glad you got to go with Kate! The photos are great and it does look like a madhouse. I know I was so nervous recently when I met a band that I love for the first time (I’ve met them 2 more times since then because I keep going to their
I can’t wait to hear about Vegas! XOXO
AH! Incredibly jealous of you! I love love NCIS! And Mark Harmon is so handsome!
What a fun night! I guess it's one of the many perks of living in LA.
What a very fun get together for you!
wow lucky you!!! Im glad you had such a good tiem girlie.. how is everything with you?? did you enter my giveaway?? xxxoo
That sounds like so much fun! My husband and I never miss NCIS. (not to mention that we watch most of the reruns on USA!) Cote actually went to my high school. It is really neat to see what people have gone on to do with their lives!
Oh, and I'm new to your blog, so, "Hello!" :)
No. Way. I'm so jealous. How awesome! I looove NCIS. My friend even named her dog Agent Gibbs!
How fun! Sounds like a great night!
NCIS is a total guilty pleasure of mine! McGee certainly does look skinny in the picutre on stage! I love the idea of "TIVA" getting together, hopefully they won't keep us waiting too much longer!
I toatlly want to do this for Vampire Diaries (yeah in my mind I am not 26, I am 16 haha!). I started watching the show for the eye candy, and like you ended up loving it!
I just can't find anyone to go with me =(
Cute blog, I love meeting other LA bloggers!!
I'm a big "silver fox" fan too! :o)
Love the silver fox ;)
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