I just took a basic chocolate cake mix and made it per the box instructions.

The batter was split between the top and bottom mold. Baking varied, but I think it took about 35 minutes for the top mold to bake all the way through and about 45 minutes for the bottom one to bake.

I was worried that there wasn't enough batter in the molds, but it definitely expands as it bakes. Once they cooled, I cut off the rounded parts so the two pieces could fit together flatly and make the cupcake shape.

By putting frosting between the two pieces, it ensured that the cupcake stayed together. Then I just frosted the top with a can of Betty C*rocker's Whipped vanilla frosting and I decorated it with the Cupcake Icing {also by Betty} and sprinkles!

Here are my two co-workers that left for new and better endeavors!

I don't normally use box mixes and I never use pre-made frosting, but I think it turned out great. It's definitely cheaper than making the components from scratch! I heard reviews from the people who ate it and they were impressed so it must have tasted pretty good as well {I usually never eat the cakes or cupcakes I make...I don't have much of a sweet tooth}.
I really enjoyed throwing together this fun little treat! Have any of you used it??!
I've seen this mold and decided it's an absolute must-have!! :) So cute to see that you used it!
The cupcake cake turned out so cute! I have seen this before at Bed, Bath & Beyond and always wondered if it worked. I may have to get one of these.
That turned out great! I've heard/read horror stories about the cupcake mold. I love it but I'm scared to death of it, haha! : )
It's sooo cute!! I have the giant cupcake metal cake mold. I used it one time..lol..I was so worried about my cake getting done that I cooked it longer than I should and got the cake a little hard. I've been thinking I would like to give it a go again. Thanks for the inspiration though I doubt mine will be as cute as yours :)
This is ADORABLE! How sweet of you to make it for your coworkers!
I have the actual metal pan, but your silicone version looks easier- I can honestly say mine did not turn out like yours! I'm domestically challenged!
It turned out great! I love it!
glad to see it worked well...i really want one!! i've also seen one that makes 3 semi-giant cupcakes.
Oh that looks so good. yummy- you are a sweet friend to bring out the big guns! Just found your blog thru All things Cherish and I love it! Hope to read more! WOuld love for you to come visit me if u get a chance! Your newest follower! http://kitchenbelleicious.blogspot.com
oh my gosh you made this!!! its gorgeous... and looks completely professional.. i love it, xxxoo
Oh wow, I can't believe this thing! That is crazy but cool-I bet it was tasty!
That looks delicious! I love to bake, this would be so much fun!
i bought this for someone! i love how yours turned out.
i need to back again.
It turned out darling!!
How adorable! You did an awesome job decorating, too!
It is absolutely darling!! xoxo
How cute! Glad it turned out so well. I've often wondered how well it would do and now I know!
I'm also totally picturing the commercial in my head and how the TV screen "shakes" whenever they set down one of those giant cupcakes. ;)
(I'm easily amused this morning...stupid lack of sleep thanks to the tummy bug.)
you are so sweet for doing this for your co-workers! Please come to work in my office...we need someone like you...seriously! ;)
Love the pink icing! xx
I've seen those pans before and always wondering how well they work. Clearly they work well, based on how pretty yours looked by the end
Ha! I have one of those pans (that I haven't used yet) too! Yours is adorable!!!
jeanette from www.sweetjeanette.com
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