Here are some of my goals/resolutions for the year:
- Be healthier. This one goes without saying, and I am hoping to pick back up with Weight Watchers and lose these last 5-6 pounds for good.
- Budget. I have depended on my parents for far too long, and it's time to break that habit. I need to learn to make it work with what I have. Distinguishing needs vs. wants will be a big key to staying on track.
- Travel. Okay, so I just said I have to budget, but I'd love to travel more if possible. I have been in California for 2 years now, but haven't seen any of what the state has to offer. I'd love to take some road trips {San Fran} and plan a trip to Napa Valley. And, since I'm so close, I'd love to fly to Seattle this year because I've always wanted to go there.
- Enjoy exercise. Like the "be healthier" resolution, this is one that goes without saying. I really want to be one of those people that enjoys to run. I would love to sign up for a 5k this spring and enjoy training for it and then advance to bigger challenges.
- Do things that make me happy. When I'm in a relationship, I find that I focus a lot of my time and energy on my partner. This isn't a bad thing, but it kind of makes me lose sight of myself...I forget to do the things that I enjoy. I would love to be in a place where I'm comfortable with myself and where I know exactly what I want. Finding myself again will be a big part of my year!

HAPPY 2010!
Looks like so much fun. I love me a good NYE party!
Here's to 2010!
Great resolutions! I agree that you HAVE to travel California! I've lived as far north as Redding (near Mt. Shasta) and am now in San Diego, so I've been to most parts of our beautifully diverse state. You must take advantage while you live here!
As far as your running goal, good luck! I had a similar goal a couple of years ago, and achieving that was an unbelievable sensation. I highly recommend the Carlsbad 5000 for your first 5K. It's in early April, the course is flat, and most of it is right by the ocean! I've run that race about 4 or 5 times and love it! I won't be running this year, though, since my baby is due right before the race!
Good luck to you on your resolutions! I look forward to reading updates on your progress!
I'm glad you had a great NYE and I'm still praying for you. It's okay to cry sweetie. Let me know if you need to talk. XOXO
focusing on yourself is a great goal! one that more people should do :)
Im glad things are getting better for you!! I know that break ups are hard, but you may look back on this and think it was one of the best decisions you could have made!! enjoy 2010 sweetie, you deserve it, xxxooo
Great goals! Looks like a fun party!
I felt the same way when my ex and I broke up. It's not fun, but the feeling goes away and before you know it, this relationship will feel like it was in a past life or something! It's so weird for me to think about my past relationship because I am so different now and it seems like it was such a long time ago!
Great Goals, Angela! I think you should add San Antonio, TX to your list of places you want to travel to. I have a guest room waiting for you. :)
You've got some great goals set for'll accomplish them all! If I lived on your coast I would totally road trip to San Fran or Napa with you!
And, what fun pictures from the party!!
Happy 2010, Miss Sweet Tea! I love all your goals, especially the one about you choosing to focus more on what makes YOU happy - like yourself, when I'm in a relationship I'm a total giver. Us givers need to remember to take care of ourselves too!
great pics. happy 2010!
Awww I definitely know what you mean about "life as you know it" being over. But that's a good thing! Now you have the opportunity for all kinds of new things! Three years ago at this time I was in that position and within 6 months I was dating Cody who, as you know, is now my husband. I'm not saying that all good things revolve around romantic relationships...who knows whats in store for you??!! :)
So in August, we are FOR SURE moving to Sacramento and when we do, you should come visit! We could go to Napa!
Excited for this new time in your life, Angela!
Oh Sweet Tea...I haven't been blogging for sooo long and just starting to catch up. So, so sorry about your heartbreak. You have very realistic and healthy goals for 2010, so stick to it. Time for yourself is so important. So take advantage of your time, time with your friends and family and make a list of all you want to see in sunny Cal. Go for it and enjoy!
those are some great goals! traveling on a budget is not that hard it just takes some planning.
Okay girl...want a challenge? Check out the Tram Road 6k Challenge in Palm Springs, CA. It's usually held in the fall in Sept or Oct. It was my very first race when I started working out seriously about eight years ago and lived in Palm Springs. It's tough, but when you cross that finish line, you will feel like a million dollars! Make a weekend of it...great fun! Also did some races in LaJolla.
Happy New Year! I'm right there with ya on #4. If you figure out the secret let me know! : )
Great resolutions and fun pictures! I have to agree with you about "enjoying exercise." Sometimes I hate it with a passion, and it would just be easier if I accepted it and looked at it positively! XOXO
Hi Angela and Happy New Year! I think you have a great attitude for the New Year and as cliché as it sounds, time heals all wounds (I hated when people said that to me going through a breakup, but I swear it’s true). If you ever need to talk, I’m just an email away. I know I’m old and married now, but I can remember being there and I know what it’s like. Everyday will get a little better.
It sounds like we have a lot of the same goals for 2010. Traveling, budget and health are high on my list too.
The NYE party that you went to looks like a blast and I love your dress…XOXO
P.S. I left you a tag on my blog.
I love your NY resolutions!! Very good. Hope you have a great 2010. :)
I love the list. You are going to have a great year! :)
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