~Carol Nelson
I didn't really realize it until now...but I'm very bummed to not be going home this year for the holidays.
I have incredible parents that I miss very much. I haven't seen my dad since May and my mom's visit is just a distant memory now.
I didn't really realize it until now...but I'm very bummed to not be going home this year for the holidays.
I have incredible parents that I miss very much. I haven't seen my dad since May and my mom's visit is just a distant memory now.

I have 3 very amazing older brothers. They are scattered throughout the Southeast, but at least when I was in Georgia I saw them much more than now.
I'm doing my best to continue on my merry way though.
I'm listening to Christmas music at work...I've decorated my office in tacky silver garland and brightly covered snowflakes so I'll have to post pictures soon. And I still need to share the pictures and stories from Las Vegas as well {don't let me forget}!
Stay tuned for a cheery post lovelies :) xoxo
I hope you start to feel a little cheerier soon. love the family pics, and can't wait to hear about vegas!
blogger is annoying me TOO!! ahhh....I am slow at work and can finally catch up on my peeps...but I cant!! ANNOYING :(
Cant wait to see pics of your festive office!!
Aww. I'm not even as far from my family as you are, but I know how hard it is to be away at the holidays! Hang in there!
Yes, its showing up now. I hope the holidays blues float away and bother someone else soon!
I can't imagine being that far away from family. I really hope you have a wonderful holiday season though.
I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t know what it’s like to be away from the family like that, since I’ve lived in the same place my entire life. I hope that you get to see them soon. I’m sure they’re wishing you were there as much as you do. I hope the Christmas music and decorations cheer you up a bit :) XOXO
Aww Im sorry youre sad around the holidays... hope that the people close to you warm your heart... even if you cant see them often! xxxooo
i'm certain your adorable nephews could NEVER forget you! tacky christmas decorations at the office always seem to help ;)
be merry and sweet!
oh cheer up lovely!! Make yourself a new tradition this year! Bake a gingerbread house with your friends and dance to christmas music! :)
Love listening to Christmas music!!
it puts me in such a cheerful mood :)
How come you arent going to visit your parents?
Maybe they can come to you?
The holidays do that to me too! Keep your chin up and enjoy all that you have to be merry about! I can't wait to see your office decor!
Your family is too cute:)!
I'm sorry you won't be able to celebrate the Holidays with them:( At least you have your boyfriend and your furbabies!
I'm so sorry you've been feeling down. My fix for the blues? Turn up "Party in the USA" and dance. It helps me. :)
Angela, I'm soooo sorry to hear that you're bummed out. You have an awesome family and if I were in your shoes, I'd missed them as much as you are currently. I'm sure they're missing you as much as you miss them. But, Chin up girl! I'm sure your bf will make your holiday as fantastic as one at home. Furthermore, I'm sending good warm wishes your way for the holidays.
Hugs! Karen
aww I hate you cant go home for the holidays. I'm trying to talk my fam into going to Hawaii. My cousin cant make it home from Hong Kong so that was my solution. Maybe your family will surprise you
Awww, sweetie, that is sad! Come home to sweet Georgia soon! We can have a bloggy get together! :D I hope your days are looking more merry and bright, but it is SUPER hard to be away from our loved ones!
I know how you feel-I'm quite a bit away from home, too. But cheer up, I'm sure you'll have a great holiday with your bf! And you two can start all sorts of fun new traditions!
And my desk is also decked out in tacky silver and bright colors for Christmas!
That saying is so true. Why is that? How about a change of scenery? There is the Newport Harbor holiday boat parade at night that you could see after a full day of shopping at Fashion Island. Or simply drive down PHC and take dinner in Laguna Beach. I know some great places that will cheer you right up! :) Email me if you need some inspiration.
Aww...I can totally relate to this one. I lived in Boston for a couple years, and the holidays definitely made me miss my fam even more. Surround yourself with friends, be fab, and you'll get through it :)
Ooooh Angela...I'm so sorry that you are blue. Just from what I know of reading your blog and emailing with you, I am certain that your nephews have not forgotten you!! I'm sorry that you aren't able to go home for the holidays but I hope that it is a really great time anyways!!
Hey Angela, I'm Amanda.. I'm a friend of Kate's. I don't often venture into the blog world these days but I was having a look around..
I'm sorry you don't get to visit your family for the holidays. I know how you feel - it's an awful time to be away from them! I haven't seen most of my family in just over a year and they all (all extended family) will be together in my hometown in Australia this Christmas. I will potentially be spending Christmas completely alone so I am doing the same as you - trying to grab onto some Christmas happiness in little things. It's hard though!! I hope you get to spend the day with your boyfriend and friends, who can help you miss your family a little less!
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