i don't want to get into details, but the boyfriend and i have decided to end our relationship after 2.5 years together. it's a funny feeling, but not one that i'm scared of. i'm a firm believer in following your heart, and the truth is, my heart was no longer in it. it wouldn't have been fair to either of us to continue on the way we were. trust me, i'm not looking for sympathy, but rather just to share a chapter of my life that is coming to a close and the only chapter that you, my readers, have really been a part of.
i also wanted to take a moment to thank
kate and
danielle for being such good friends during this time. it's amazing to me to think that i could find two such genuine and kind people admist the entire population of los angeles, just from blogging. i am so grateful for their friendship!
i hope all of you enjoy the holidays with your loved ones!
Good for you! Have a nice glass of egg nog and celebrate the new path your life is about to take. You deserve something great!
such a positive outlook. best wishes!
Yes, you can't go wrong by following your heart, and you also used your head. You're a brave, smart girl with great things ahead of you. xoxo
Taking that first step is always the hardest one but the smartest one. A day at a time a step at a time Ms. Sweet Tea. I support ya all the way!!
Can I just say I admire your entire outlook on this situation - it's hard to do- you're a lot stronger than I am. Enjoy your holidays girl!
Congratulations on being brave enough to do what is best for both of you. Now you are both free to go where you need to go.
Following your heart is never easy but sometimes it is exactally what you have to do! Have some nights out with the girls! Movies, Jewlery making, pottery... just fun stuff and take some time for you!!!
Stay strong!
Thinking of you. That's never easy.
I wish you good luck as you begin a brand new chapter in your life! :) Merry Christmas!
You are so, so, SO welcome. I bet Kate feels the same way, but honestly, I absolutely adore you and am more than happy to be there to support you in any way I can. I definitely don't feel like I deserve a thank you, because I like being there for you.
I am glad you appreciate my friendship, because I certainly appreciate yours.
I will talk to you soon. If you can, call me after work. And if you ever need someone to hang out with or someone to talk to, I am here. And remember, I'm pretty much up all night so you can literally call me any time.
I don't feel like I need to comment on the break up since we have discussed it already, but I will say I know this is so right, and I am very proud of you. Is that cheesy? I hope not.
Sorry for leaving this novel for you. Call me when you can.
I feel like you, me, & Kate should get together soon.
i'm sorry to hear that - but new chapters in life always turn out to be the best. have a great holiday!!
I'm sorry to hear, but good for you for knowing whats best and being so positive! I'm in the same situation, trying to decided what is best. Thanks for your post, it has helped me!
Sorry to hear that but follow your heart!!
There's so much I admire about you but today... my greatest admiration is your strength. You are amazing! You need to do what's best for you at the end of the day and I couldn't be more proud of you and your decision. Hugs, K
I have a friend going through the whole "I've dated him for four years but now I just don't really like him anymore" thing, so now she is just stringing him along. I admire you for making the best decision for YOU. Hope you have a wonderful holiday:)
I commend you for making such a big decision. I respect you for making the choice to do what you need to do. Too many women just stay to stay. There are plenty of men out there to find one that gets the fires burning again :)
I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and that when one door closes, another one opens. You'll be fine. Happy holidays!
You have my respect, support & love...
You're doing what's best for you and that's the most important thing.
Thinking about you!
I went through the same thing earlier this year so I can imagine how you must feel right now. Just remember that it gets easier and that you owe it to yourself to do what is right for you. I hope 2010 brings lots of good things your way :)
I have been where you are. We were together 2.5 years and broke up after christmas. I wanted my presents!! You'll do fine, its fun to get to shop around again!!
Good for you. I have been in that same place as well. You will be fine, stay positive!
Like the saying goes, "If you love something, set it free... if it comes back to you, it's yours."
You’re in my thoughts and I’m glad that you have such a positive outlook on the situation. I know it was probably a tough decision, but you followed your heart and that can be a very tough thing to do.
I hope you enjoy your Christmas and I’m sending you lots of hugs…xoxo
I'm so sorry honey!!! It's always hard going through these things. We are here for you!!
sounds like you have a great attitude about this! Keep your chin up and everything will be ok :-)
I'm a quiet follower, but have been reading. Good for you for understanding and knowing your heart, and having a positive attitude. Too many these days listen to their heads and end up in situations that aren't always happy. I'm glad you recognized what was necessary and took action. It will be tough, but glad to see your chin is held high! Cheers to you! xoxo
Break-ups are never easy, but kudos to you for recognizing that it just wasn't working and admitting it to yourself and to him. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you. I hope 2010 brings you lots of great opportunities!
Thinking of you my sweet friend :) XOXO
omg!!!! I hope youre ok.. if you need anything ask me... call me,... email me..... i have been through it, and i promise it will get better... xxxxoo
I'm sorry you are going through this, but I admire you for ending something your heart just wasn't in anymore. I was with a guy for 3.5 years and I knew we weren't in love anymore, but I was too scared to end it and waited for him to do it. He wound up ending it over the phone, which is BS since I deserved more than that, but in the end, it was such a blessing for both of us. I'm now married and he's getting married in August. Things will work out for the best in the end!
Im sorry. Break ups suck, but when you look back and it all makes sense, you just feel so much better.
Although you sound like this decision is really the best move for both of you, I know letting go of something that has been so meaningful for 2.5 years is hard.
I will be thinking about you over the holidays, and sending you blog hugs and happy thoughts :)
New Year = New YOU!!!
Ugh, so sorry to hear it sweetie. Hope you're staying busy and looking forward to some time with your fam over the holiday. That always helps! xoxox
Sorry to hear that :( But I hope that this is the start of something good for you! Wishing you the best in 2010!
Time is precious, if you knew it wasn't right- you made the right decision! Hang in there!
Congratulations on being strong and brave enough to make the right choice for you! :) Here's to a fabulous 2010 and wonderful new things ahead!
wishing you the best!! you deserve it!
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