Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cheers to the Weekend!

A couple more giveaways to come next week, but for now...I'm enjoying my weekend!

(Did I mention that the bf and I just got a new CA King size bed?! It's GLORIOUS!)
(Images courtesy of Google)

I hope everyone is having a
FABULOUS weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect! Enjoy and relax!

KAC said...

Sounds like a great weekend...have fun!

Ashley Turner said...


Prissy Southern Prep said...

pool+pedi+sleep=best saturday ever!

ae said...

have fun this weekend! i am jealous;)

Mommara said...

Ugh, I am dying for a king size bed. My grandmom always used to say sleeping in a king size bed with a down comforter was like "sleeping on a cloud with jesus". It always made me smile. Have a fun weekend!

Rachel said...

Perfect! I'm right there with you :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend ... enjoy!

KK said...

Best kind of weekend!

Unknown said...


Amanda K said...

Enjoy your weekend!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...


Piper Jacquelyn said...

Mmm, sounds wonderful! Hope you've had a great weekend & are continuing to do so today!

preppyinnewengland said...

Hope you had a fun weekend! Got my pedicure Friday afternoon for the weekend; Mom's Night Out on Friday,
Family BBQ on Saturday and looking like hanging out on the beach later on! We are all feeling a little lazy today!..........

Unknown said...

Hope you had a great weekend!! You've been tagged! Come check out my blog!! :o)

Jules said...

I hope that you're having a great weekend and the new bed sounds heavenly!

In This Wonderful Life said...

hope you had a good weekend :)

~ Donna ~ said...

Sounds awesome, hope you had a great weekend!